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Easy Way to Witness to a Mormon

How tin can I best witness to Mormons?

Witnessing to Mormons, as with any faith falsely masquerading under the guise of Christianity, can exist challenging. At first glance they look, sound, and act similar Christians. However, though they claim to be the simply ones with the real truth, they are far from information technology. Therefore, we must witness to Mormons in truth, but also in beloved that they may come up to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior (Ephesians 4:15).

While witnessing to Mormons it is essential to know that Mormons do not believe the Bible is infallible. They take four texts that they believe to be scripture inspired by God. These include the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Bible. They think that after the death of the apostles the church building strayed from the true path of God and many of import passages of the original text of the Bible were changed or omitted. Consequently, the Bible holds the least importance of their sacred texts and is treated equally unreliable whenever information technology contradicts Mormon doctrine. In fact, their 8th Article of Faith states, "We believe the Bible to be the Word of God as far equally it is translated correctly." Although the Bible is actually very reliable, as evidenced by things like the Dead Sea Scrolls and numerous manuscripts demonstrating the Bibles we have today are faithful to the original text, quoting Scripture is often non an effective tool for evangelizing Mormons. If you do quote Scripture, it is best to apply the Rex James Version since it is the translation they trust the most. Besides, information technology is safe to presume almost Mormons are not familiar with many of the stories in the Bible.

2nd, in witnessing to Mormons nosotros must understand that while both Christians and Mormons use the same jargon, the connotation of our words is very unlike. Before engaging in a spiritual conversation, it is wise to familiarize yourself with both sets of definitions. This website contains some useful definitions: You tin can utilise verses from the Bible and compare them to verses from Mormon texts to signal out the disparities in the pregnant of certain terms and how those differences demonstrate the dissimilar thinking every bit well. Below are some examples of how Christianity and Mormonism contrast.

Who is God?
Mormons believe that God was in one case a man from another planet. He lived a practiced life and through his righteous works became exalted to the position of God (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345). They believe he is married to a goddess and that the Trinity is three separate beings and not one. They as well believe in multiple gods since they believe people tin can achieve godhood by their works. On the other hand, Christians believe that God is eternal and existed before He created mankind (Psalm 90:ii). He is perfect and without sin. Most importantly He is the only true God (Isaiah 43:ten).

Who is Jesus?
Mormons believe that Jesus, similar God, is an exalted human. He is the offspring of a physical relationship between God and a adult female (Journal of Discourses, vol. 8, p. 115). Christians believe that Jesus is ane with God and has been with Him since the beginning (John one:1–3). He is both fully God and fully human, yet without sin (Hebrews ii:5–18).

What is their testimony?
Mormons will say that when they read the Volume of Mormon they pray that God will prove them it is true and then the Holy Spirit gives them proficient feelings nearly it. Nevertheless, Jeremiah 17:9 tells us, "The heart is deceitful higher up all things." Our feelings cannot be trusted to tell us the truth. In add-on, when Mormons tell others to pray for the truth they are referencing James 1:5: "If any of you lacks wisdom, allow him enquire God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." They take this to mean that God will award them knowledge of the truth based on how sincerely they pray for it. Yet, nowhere in the Bible does it say we learn truth from praying, simply rather that we larn information technology from studying the Scriptures. The wisdom we pray for is not knowledge itself, merely instead helps us to apply the knowledge God has already provided to u.s.a.. Finally, only the truthful Jesus can transport the states the Holy Spirit afterward nosotros acknowledge Him as our Savior. The Mormons believe in a fake Jesus, so they do not take the true Holy Spirit within them.

What is the gospel and salvation?
Mormons say that the gospel is the doctrine and ordinances of the Mormon church. They believe that conservancy is inclusive and everyone volition alive eternally. However, their place in the afterlife is determined from a combination of religion and works washed during this lifetime (Manufactures of Faith p. 78-79, Mormon Doctrine p. 348). Paul summarizes the gospel of the Bible as Jesus dying for our sins, being buried, and rising over again fulfilling the Scriptures about Him (1 Corinthians 15:1–iv). He also said, "Because, if you confess with your oral fissure that Jesus is Lord and believe in your eye that God raised him from the dead, yous will exist saved" (Romans x:nine). Therefore, salvation but comes to those who put their organized religion in Jesus Christ, acknowledging their sinful nature and need for Him as Savior. What's more than, the gift of eternal salvation does not come up through human works, but through the costless grace of God. "For by grace you accept been saved through religion. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, non a result of works, so that no ane may avowal" (Ephesians 2:8–9).

The most effective strategy in witnessing to Mormons is to point out their imperfection. They have been indoctrinated that their purpose in life is to follow the Mormon doctrines and practice practiced works in order to be exalted in the afterlife. They are constantly striving for perfection in their personal lives while under the scrutiny of their families and church leaders. Pointing out their sinful nature may be painful, merely if they are willing to admit their shortcomings then they will exist open to the good news of the Bible's gospel. Show them that forgiveness of sins merely comes through Jesus' cede on the cantankerous. Explain that the truthful Jesus, not the one they are familiar with, is attainable. He can exist prayed to and worshipped considering He is the ultimate Loftier Priest. Finally, if they are willing, pb them in a prayer of conservancy and equip them to begin reading God'due south Word through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In witnessing to any person it is of import to remember that salvation is ultimately a work of God. So when witnessing to Mormons, or anyone else, pray for God's guidance and entrust the results to Him. Kickoff Peter 3:15 tells us, "in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, ever being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks yous for a reason for the promise that is in you; all the same exercise information technology with gentleness and respect." It is not our part to convince others of the truth of God, but to faithfully share it, praying for those with whom we practise, and to get out the results upwardly to God.

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