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How to Find Out My Imei Number on an Alcatel Smartphone

If you bought your used mobile phone or if you bought it in Asia, you have surely taken advantage of an attractive price, nevertheless, when an offer is too attractive you have to be careful that it is not not a scam. In telephony, as in many areas, counterfeiting exists and while it's not a major problem, from time to time buyers get screwed and buy a copy of their Alcatel 1. We will suddenly, in this guide, discover how to check if your Alcatel 1 is an original. To do this, we will in turn discover several solutions that you will be able to carry out during and after your purchase process to ensure the authenticity of your Alcatel 1.


Do not hesitate to ask the seller of your Alcatel 1 for a guarantee to make sure it is not a copy.

In the event that you purchase a New Alcatel 1 and you are not sure whether it is an original, ask for a warranty! Indeed, all brands, whether the smartphone arrives from France or China, are required to issue a manufacturer's warranty for at least 1 year . Some sellers will not automatically send you the manufacturer's warranty, so we recommend that you to require the manufacturer's warranty before purchasing . In addition to serving you in the event that your Alcatel 1 has problems for which you are not responsible, this will be a proof of the authenticity of your Alcatel 1.

Compare the packaging and the phone with the original to certify that your Alcatel 1 is not a copy

Second important check to do. Even in the event that copies of Alcatel 1 are usually very successful, you will be able to play the games of the 7 families to verify that it is indeed an original. One of the points on which counterfeit manufacturers frequently make mistakes is the packaging and the packaging box. We therefore advise you to go on the internet and get a picture of the product box and the product itself and compare them carefully. You can even go to a phone store to compare your Alcatel 1 with a show model. Usually the quality of the screen and its brightness will be different between an original Alcatel 1 and a fake.

Check the IMEI code to ensure the authenticity of your Alcatel 1

One of the codes that manufacturers cannot counterfeit is the IMEI. This is a unique identifier linked to a smartphone. If you have not yet finalized the purchase of your Alcatel 1, you can ask the seller to provide you with the IMEI to verify that it is the model in question.

How to retrieve the IMEI number of my Alcatel 1?

The procedure to recover the IMEI of an Alcatel 1 is very simple, here it is:

  • Unlock your Alcatel 1
  • Open the app » Phone »
  • type * # # 06 to see it displayed on the IMEI screen of your Alcatel 1
  • Write it down somewhere

How to check that the IMEI number of my Alcatel 1 is that of my phone?

After recovering the IMEI, now is the time to make sure your Alcatel 1 is an original model. There are several sites to make sure it is a real Alcatel 1, we suggest you go through imei. info . This site will allow you to quickly enter your IMEI to have access to a lot of information on your mobile phone, such as (the model, the brand, internal specificities…) In the event that the model which appears on the site is not not the same as yours then your Alcatel 1 is a counterfeit.

Check the section » About the phone »To be sure that your Alcatel 1 is not a counterfeit

You have now retrieved all the specifications that are supposed to match your Alcatel 1, there is a fairly easy way to confirm this. Go to the section » About the phone "In your settings to have the" Model number " , the " Serial number ", As well as a lot of software information in the section" Software information » , like the " Kernel version " and the " Version number ". To check all this information we suggest you download and use the application Device Info . This application will show you all the internal specifics of your Alcatel 1, so it is easy to compare them with the specifics of the brand and see if it is indeed an original.

Use the mode " Recovery »To make sure your Alcatel 1 is an original

Finally, the last option, the experts realized, that as and when the analysis of counterfeit phones, particular modes such as " Recovery Mode Were in Chinese and not in English as they should be. If you have ever taken all the steps seen above, you probably already have a fairly decided opinion on the originality or not of your Alcatel 1, despite everything, this can be a way of confirming the counterfeit. To do this:

  • Switch off your Alcatel 1
  • Press Volume Down + Power at the same time for a few moments to switch to Recovery mode, if this does not work, additionally hold down the physical Home button and try the operation again
  • Now is the time to see if your " Recovery Mode Is in English or Chinese. If it is in Chinese it is almost certain that your Alcatel 1 is a copy.

If you are ever looking for as many tutorials as possible to become an Alcatel 1 master, we invite you to watch the other tutorials in the category: Alcatel 1.

How to Find Out My Imei Number on an Alcatel Smartphone
