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What Can I Ise Insted of Feta Cheese

Here are 16 easy ways to substitute for feta cheese in a pinch. This ultimate list includes common substitutes, plus vegan options, too!

Feta is one of the most popular cheeses in the world. It has Greek origins and is used to top salads, and in veggie dishes, wraps, burgers, pizzas, and more. A Greek gyro or pita sandwich just wouldn't be the same without it.

Feta cheese is made from sheep and/or goat's milk and has a signature crumbly texture and tangy flavor.

This cheese, while fairly high in sodium, also offers lots of health benefits. It's high in vitamins K, A, and B and is also a decent source of calcium and iron.

However, you may not always have feta cheese on hand when you need it, or you may need a dairy-free or vegan alternative. And, hey, some people just don't like the taste.

So, here are several easy ways to substitute for feta cheese for every need!

  1. Common Ways to Substitute for Feta Cheese
  2. Dairy Free and Vegan Feta Substitutes
  3. Homemade Vegan Feta
  4. Recipes with Feta Cheese
Two blocks of feta cheese on a wooden cutting board next to crumbles.

Common Ways to Substitute for Feta Cheese

Try these feta substitutes if you're in a pinch or just don't like feta. Many of these alternatives are easily found in grocery and specialty food stores. You'll find options that mimic feta pretty closely and options that have a different taste and/or texture but can work in similar dishes and recipes.

1. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese drains on a cheese cloth inside a large kitchen sieve.

Cottage cheese has a similar texture to feta, but is milder in flavor. It's also lower in sodium and fat. This cheese makes a great substitute anywhere you'd use feta if you're looking for a healthy alternative.

Cottage cheese works great as a 1 to 1 substitute for pasta, salads, and even pizza.

2. Goat Cheese

Sliced goat cheese log and goat cheese crumbles on a wooden cutting board.

This soft cheese has a tangy flavor that is similar to feta. If you can find crumbled goat cheese, it also has a similar texture. You can use goat cheese as a 1 to 1 substitute for salads, burgers, pastas, and pizza!

3. Queso Fresco

Large wheel of queso fresco cheese with wedge cut out on wooden cutting board.

This Mexican cheese makes a pretty good feta cheese replacement. It has a similar texture, but a milder taste. It doesn't go through the same aging and fermenting process, so it has a much less mature and sharp flavor.

Even so, queso fresco makes a great substitute for salads, burgers, Greek wraps, and sandwiches, 1 to 1.

4. Halloumi

Several slices of halloumi cheese covered in red spice and lined up on a wooden table.

Halloumi is a Greek cheese that is mild in flavor and even a little sweet when compared to feta. It also has a pretty dissimilar texture. So, if you're looking to replace feta because you don't like the taste, halloumi might be the answer.

This cheese is great for melty, bubbly recipes, like pizza, pasta, and casseroles. Use as a 1 to 1 substitute.

5. Roquefort

Pile of Roquefort cheese wedges on brown butcher paper with green garnish.

This blue cheese substitute has a similar flavor and texture to feta and is easily found in specialty grocery stores. You can use Roquefort 1 to 1 to replace feta in just about any recipe, especially salads, pizza, and pasta.

6. Mizithra

Bowl of mizithra cheese with olives and tomato on top sitting outside on table.

Mizithra is similar to feta in that it's made from goat and sheep's milk. However, it has a milder flavor. If you looking to cut out some of the sharp, tanginess of feta, you can try this cheese on salads, with veggies, and in puff pastry.

Use as a 1 to 1 substitute.

7. Cotija

Two large wedges of cotija cheese with green garnish next to a knife on wood cutting board.

Here's another Mexican cheese alternative to feta. This crumbly feta cheese substitute has a similar texture and a flavor likened to a more potent parmesan. Use cotija to top salads, tacos, and burgers, 1 to 1.

However, it doesn't melt well and isn't great for recipes that are meant to be bubbly and gooey.

8. Ricotta

Shallow wooden bowl filled with ricotta cheese with green garnish and wooden spoon.

Ricotta has a very similar taste to feta cheese, but it does have a higher moisture content. You can use ricotta as a 1 to 1 substitute anywhere you would feta, and enjoy less sodium and a slightly sweeter flavor.

9. Gorgonzola

Large wedge of gorgonzola blue cheese with crumbles on a rustic wooden table.

Here's another blue cheese that makes a decent substitute for feta. It has a stronger yet similar flavor, but a much more smooth and creamy texture. You can use gorgonzola on salads, pasta, with fruit, and even in casseroles and soups, 1 to 1.

10. Sharp Cheddar

Several cubes of sharp white cheddar cheese and capers on a stack of crackers.

Sharp cheddar has a similar taste to feta though it differs in color and texture (depending on where you get it). White cheddar and orange cheddar are virtually the same, but the white variety simply has no added Annatto coloring. White cheddar originates from England and orange cheddar is typically made elsewhere.

Cheddar can substitute for feta on salads, burgers, and wraps. Make sure to shred it as it's not a crumbly cheese.

11. Mozzarella

Two large mozzarella balls on wooden cutting board next to pesto and basil garnish.

This white, soft cheese has a sweeter and more mild taste when compared to feta. So, if you're looking for a less tangy cheese, mozzarella could do the trick. This cheese is also lower in sodium and higher in moisture content.

Use mozzarella to substitute for feta on pizzas, with veggies, and on sandwiches!

12. Panela cheese

A round of panela cheese on a wooden platter next to several cubes of cheese.

Panela is another Mexican cheese that works well as a feta substitute. It has a similar taste and texture depending on what kind you find. Some panela has a rubbery texture, but you can also find a more crumbly panela if you have the patience.

Use panela anywhere you would feta, 1 to 1.

Dairy Free and Vegan Feta Substitutes

For those with a dairy allergy or looking to follow a vegan diet, there are several easy feta alternatives to try and you can even make your own.

13. Tofu

Glass bowl piled high with cubes of tofu, surrounded by soybeans on wood table.

Firm tofu is a versatile soy product that crumbles just like feta cheese. And, if you prepare it the right way, it can also have a similar taste.

See instructions for homemade vegan tofu below.

14. Cashew Cheese

Bowl of vegan cashew cheese with green garnish and scattered cashew nuts.

This vegan option has a mild and nutty taste with a deep flavor. The texture is also crumbly, similar to feta cheese. Use cashew cheese as a 1 to 1 replacement for salads, sandwiches, and wraps.

15. Almond Cheese

Round of vegan almond cheese next to sliced lemon and green garnish.

Almond cheese works similarly to cashew cheese as a feta substitute. You can use it in the same way and it has a similar texture and nutty flavor. Both are vegan, though you should steer clear if you have any allergies to nuts.

16. Nutritional Yeast

Large bowl of nutritional yeast next to a spoon filled with nutritional yeast.

This vegan product has a nutty, cheesy savory taste and can be sprinkled on a wide variety of foods to add additional flavor and nutrient value. It is also free of gluten, sugar, fat and is low sodium and low calorie.

While it doesn't have a cheese-like texture, it can work anywhere you'd use feta as a flavor agent.

Homemade Vegan Feta

Several cubes of homemade tofu vegan feta piled on a piece of bread.

Here's how to make homemade vegan feta cheese so you can get that same fermented tangy taste!


  • 14 ounce tofu, extra firm
  • ⅓ cup olive oil
  • ⅓ cup water
  • Juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 Tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup brine juice from a jar of Kalamata olives (or other olive varieties)
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced
  • 1 teaspoon oregano, dried
  • ½ teaspoon basil, dried
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper


DRAIN the tofu using a tofu press or: LAYER a plate with paper towels, and PLACE the block of tofu on top. ADD another layer of paper towels on top and top with a second plate.

PLACE a heavy object on top of the plate to weigh it down. PRESS for about 4 hours to REMOVE all liquid. CHECK the plates occasionally to DRAIN water as needed.

Once drained, CUT the tofu into ½ inch cubes. MIX all remaining ingredients in a bowl to form a marinade. TOSS the cubes in the marinade to coat.

COVER and REFRIGERATE for several hours with the best results overnight. REMOVE from marinade and enjoy!

Recipes with Feta Cheese

Here are two easy and delicious recipes that call for feta. Use these to try out your favorite substitute for feta above!

Cilantro Chickpea Salad With Avocado And Feta

White bowl full of cilantro chickpea salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta on wood cutting board.

Spinach Strawberry Salad with Almonds

Two white plates of spinach strawberry salad with feta and almonds on white table.
Pinterest graphic with text and collage of ingredients used to substitute for feta cheese.

What Can I Ise Insted of Feta Cheese
